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Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Book That Started My Journey

It was last November 2010 when I purchased the book that changed my life.

Actually, that was not the first time I noticed book, "Rich Dad Poor Dad" on a bookstore shelf or heard about it from other people. But I didn't bother to take a look at it, more so, buy it.

But God shows us the way during times when we are seeking for answers.

Again, I stumbled upon this book during that time I was looking for direction in my financial life. And something inside urged me to purchase it.

Before I read the book, I was nagged by the thought that at the age 32 and with 8 years experience working as an employee, I had no savings and investments. (please read my first blog entitled My Past to learn more about it). I felt like that I was just going through the motions - without a direction.

I thought that a bigger salary will solve my dilemma. But transferring from one company to another that offers a higher pay or having a salary increase was not the answer. Ironically, my expenses and credit card debts even became higher!

Little did I know that a single book would change everything.

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki is a fascinating story of how the author's Rich Dad taught him the lessons he needed to learn to make himself financially independent. 

This book opened my eyes that some things that we thought are assets are actually liabilities - for example : a house or a car. Moreover, because of my addiction to shopping I even  justified to other people and to myself that my quality/branded clothes, shoes and bags are assets!

While reading the book, I encountered a lot of "Aha" moments when it comes to money management, investing and personal finance .  It provided the basics to my quest for financial literacy and opened my mind to new possibilities. 

Because of this book, the lady who used to be a "bargain-holic" became addicted to learn the ways and the means to become financially free. 


  1. Congratulations, Marissa!
    It is interesting to see you starting and implementing what Jomar taught us. Well done!
    Although I have not started Jomar's startegies yet, as I have just arrived home in Oz, I have started thinking about the new blogs and have gathered some resources for it.
    In the mean time, I have another blog that you might want to check out. Please feel free to comment as well. I would love to share our learnings.

  2. You don't know how I loved Rich Dad Poor Dad, I bought every book related related to it all series. And it is nice to found you with same interest, same situation.

    I am writing similar topics, please find time to browse it, thanks.

  3. Hi marissa. Nice! Congrats and good luck sa atin. Let's include our sites and Albert Blay's and Roslyn's in our individual blogrolls, so we can help each other out. TY and God bless

  4. @Ros : Thanks for the feedback! I also visited your blog and made some comments also. It's interesting to know that your supporting blogging and online business journey of working moms. In relation to this, you may want to check out my blog about virtual assistants -

    @ Albert : I became addicted also to the rich dad series and bought all his books! haha! Visited your blog also and made some comments. Cheers

    @Ron : Since Ros, Albert and you have related topics, I've implemented your suggestion to include our individual blogrolls so we can help each other out. Check out my site :)

  5. The Rich Dad Poor Dad also influenced me on aiming for financial freedom. It was only last year that I was able to start investing through stock investing and now diversifying with mutual funds. Just like you, I also want to start an online business but with a cause. Hopefully, thru God's grace I can start it by this year.

    By the way, just want to share with your readers a free ebook copy of Rich Dad Poor Dad on my page, Pinoy Stock Market Investor. I noticed that thru my effort I was able to convince yuppies to start to save and invest :)

    1. Hi Chris! Good to hear from you and your progress. Same with you I have started last year investing in stocks and mutual funds and it was really a good decision because this ye ar there was growth in my investments compared to keeping my money in the bank.

      I'll visit your site and continue sharing your your knowledge on saving and investing. God bless!
