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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What's Your "Emotional Why" ?

"Why do you want to become wealthy?"

This is the first question that you should ask yourself in order to achieve financial success. As what Bo Sanchez said, "You need a fierce emotional reason to become wealthy - or it won't happen."

This "emotional why" will give you the fire to succeed!

This may result from the painful or unforgettable experiences you had in the past that made you think, "If I'm rich, then I can achieve/have this...."

When I made a decision to undertake this journey, I spent some time reflecting why I want to become rich. This process was not easy because I was torn between the desire of financial freedom vs. security. These 2 concepts are not the same.

Security means that you have enough money to pay the bills or some extra to have a comfortable lifestyle or enough funds for retirement. But my dreams go beyond that.

So I said to myself, "I won't settle for security. I want to achieve financial freedom so I can fund my dreams."

Let me share with you what these dreams are:


with the kids of Virlanie Orphanage
When I was in college, my thesis in Psychology was to study adolescent orphans and how their identities were developed.  We constantly visited 2 orphanages for 3-4 months and spent a lot of time with the kids and teens who lived there. From our study, we discovered that orphans have a hard time trusting people because of their painful past wherein they were abandoned or abused by the same people they trust - their family. At first, I had difficulty gaining the trust of my respondents but after some time, they broke that thick wall and revealed to me their innermost feelings, fears and dreams. By the end of our study and when we bid them goodbye, some were crying. Then one orphan approached me and tearfully said, "Lahat na lang ng napapalapit sa akin nawawala." (I lose all the people I care about). And those words crushed my heart!

So I said to myself, "Someday I will have my own orphanage where these kids will have a happy home."

And this dream never left me.


I dream of having an institution that focuses on teaching financial literacy and money management to women and kids.
Why women? I heard a lot of sad stories where wives let their husbands take full control in matters related to money and finances because they believe that money management is a "man thing" and were left peniless in cases of separation. Or a story of  a single woman who is drowning in debt because she doesn't know how to handle her finances. These are just some scenarios where women are left in the dark and want to cry out for help but don't know what actions to take.

Why kids? I believe that forming the habit of saving and properly handling money should be taught to children because they will be bringing these skills as they grow older. And sad to say, this is not part of our current educational system.


After I watched the movie "Eat, Pray, Love", I imagine myself having that kind of adventure. I want to travel around the world, see beautiful places and experience different culture. I also dream of having a beautiful house that is surrounded by a lake. I want to explore the world and enjoy life to the fullest!

Publish Post
These are my "Emotional Why"

What's yours?

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Book That Started My Journey

It was last November 2010 when I purchased the book that changed my life.

Actually, that was not the first time I noticed book, "Rich Dad Poor Dad" on a bookstore shelf or heard about it from other people. But I didn't bother to take a look at it, more so, buy it.

But God shows us the way during times when we are seeking for answers.

Again, I stumbled upon this book during that time I was looking for direction in my financial life. And something inside urged me to purchase it.

Before I read the book, I was nagged by the thought that at the age 32 and with 8 years experience working as an employee, I had no savings and investments. (please read my first blog entitled My Past to learn more about it). I felt like that I was just going through the motions - without a direction.

I thought that a bigger salary will solve my dilemma. But transferring from one company to another that offers a higher pay or having a salary increase was not the answer. Ironically, my expenses and credit card debts even became higher!

Little did I know that a single book would change everything.

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki is a fascinating story of how the author's Rich Dad taught him the lessons he needed to learn to make himself financially independent. 

This book opened my eyes that some things that we thought are assets are actually liabilities - for example : a house or a car. Moreover, because of my addiction to shopping I even  justified to other people and to myself that my quality/branded clothes, shoes and bags are assets!

While reading the book, I encountered a lot of "Aha" moments when it comes to money management, investing and personal finance .  It provided the basics to my quest for financial literacy and opened my mind to new possibilities. 

Because of this book, the lady who used to be a "bargain-holic" became addicted to learn the ways and the means to become financially free. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Contest : My Online Wealth Breakthrough Moment

It's been almost a month since the last time I wrote something on this blog. My plate was so full this past month that I failed to blog about my recent adventures to achieve my goal of financial apologies for that.

But before I gave you a rundown of my activities and updates of my progress this past month, I would like to tell everyone that I was given a challenge...and I'm up for it!

Online Wealth Breakthrough Seminar
Just to give you a background, Last March 20, 2011,  I attended an Online Wealth Breakthrough Seminar by Jomar Hilario. It is a 1-day seminar that provides the "whole picture" on how people really make money online. It talks about the requirements on how one can be successful in internet marketing and create multiple streams of income via the interwebs. It was a day full of new ideas and insights.

Now it's time to put all these learnings into action! 

This morning, Jomar launched a contest to all the participants of this seminar. The title of the contest is "My Online Breakthrough Moment."

This aims to assist participants in reaching their respective online goals.

Part of the requirement of this contest is take a screenshot of our current blog statistics.  Here are the stats of my 2 blogs: 

I hope that through my my blogs I can share my knowledge and learnings to a  wider reach of people. I envision it to be an interactive type of sharing of ideas and discussions.  

I will keep you posted of my progress.

More than the prizes in store for the lucky winner, I'm more for the challenge of achieving online success. 

Wish me luck :)